Spoofflé banned in China

After investing millions last month on Spoofflé’s on-line launch in China, it now appears that the People’s Republic has decided that our brand of alternative news is not suitable for consumption and so we have been blocked. Searches made this morning for ‘Spoofflé‘ on Google China now find only pouffe, spoof, and poo. Search engine Bing finds only ‘poo’.

Spoofflé was accessible on the iNoodle server for just six days last week, during which we received dozens of messages. The comments included: ‘We like!’, ‘What it about?’, ‘No understand, where I buy Spoofflé size XXS?’

Our most ardent Chinese reader posted on Spoofflé every single day, giving our editorial team hope that there may still be a future for news sites of integrity in China, as well as our own.

So Well Hung, a Wagyu cattle breeder from Guangdong province, said he was extremely sad that Spoofflé was no longer accessible. ‘Every day I wake in dawn and reading Spoofflé for laughs, even when rain. My wife Li Chi laugh when I read her good bits,’ he said. ‘It only way get truth in China, I tell workers not believe anything, just trust Spoofflé!’